Fantastic with chips or spread on a sandwich, this black bean spread is something I sometimes make for taco night to stand in for refried beans as well. Spread on ...
Serve these slightly sweet and savory collards alongside a juicy steak with some mashed potatoes for an elevated side dish of greens. You can also sandwich them between sliced cornbread ...
Caramelized onions are a great refrigerator staple when it's time to make flavor combinations. Sweetness and texture additions will complement the savory elements you might already have in your sandwich.
Crispy on the outside but soft and savory on the inside. Each bite is a pleasure of textural goodness and these fried potato cakes make a great side for your ...
Crispy fried onion strings are a fantastic addition to almost any sandwich. Be very careful though because you may end up eating them all as snacks. This recipe is using ...
A crispy, fried patty of grated potatoes that will work perfectly as a side to your next breakfast sandwich or even be used as a component in the sandwich itself.
A quick easy slaw that replicates the flavors you'd find in Eastern North Carolina coleslaw. Works great as a side dish or on top of a barbecue sandwich.
These crispy, and tangy fried green tomatoes work great on a sandwich or even as a side dish with dipping sauce. This recipe is written for just one tomato, but ...
A soft on the inside but crispy on the outside potato patty is a great addition to a savory sandwich. Remember this recipe whenever you have leftover mashed potatoes
This giardiniera recipe is spicy but not super-hot. I'd list it as between mild and medium heat. Add more pickled jalapenos (and the pickling liquid) or leave them out entirely ...
This is a fairly sweet slaw, but that's what is traditional in a Carolina Dog. You could easily just cut the sugar in half or omit it all together if ...
Add some tasty texture to your next sandwich with fried capers. Sprinkle a salty and crispy addition onto your next sub or even add them to the top of a ...
Pickled radishes are great as a snack and they add crunch and flavor to a sandwich. Pull them out of the fridge and enjoy with cheese and crackers if you ...
It turns out that one of the worst vegetables in the world can be redeemed greatly with a bit of pickling. These are great with buffalo wings and even better ...
These tart and sweet pickled cherries are softened and perfect for pork or turkey sandwiches. They also work well in a bowl on the side of a charcuterie board to ...
Pickled red onions are a tangy and slightly sweet addition to a sandwich that will add texture and crunch. This is a super easy and quick recipe that will add ...
This is a sweet, pickled onion that will add a tangy zip and crunchy texture to any sandwich. If you like the flavor of a sweet Vidalia onion, these will ...
This slaw is a great addition to a jerk chicken sandwich. The pineapple and lime compliment spicy foods and also help to add a cooling element to a dish.
Here's a bright and tangy addition to any sandwich or taco. The sweetness of the onions will work great on a burger, hot dog, or even a shrimp sandwich.
Roasting Brussels sprouts gives them great texture. This is a fantastic vegetable that can be whipped up in just a few minutes for a satisfying side dish.
Spicy and tangy dill flavored green beans still have a bit of textured crunch. Add them to your next snack night or open them next to a charcuterie board.
Spicy and dilly and savory pickles are great as a snack or in a sandwich. A great addition to any refrigerator. I based this recipe off of this tweet from ...