
Drowning sandwiches is legal in 42 states
This is a sandwich that’s been dragged through the sauce.
Jonathan Surratt
September 16th, 2024

Choriqueso in a panuozzo
How much chorizo and cheese can you hold in your hand?
Jonathan Surratt
April 29th, 2024

White beans and greens melt
Shout out to people who like vegetables!
*sandwich not vegetarian
Jonathan Surratt
January 9th, 2023

Build back better black bean burgers
I was looking for one single word for alteration to go with black bean burgers and instead I found three words.
Jonathan Surratt
January 31st, 2022

I ordered tortas and they brought me a turtle
I was gonna make a pun about the tortoise and the hare, but I thought it might be a little too racy for you.
Jonathan Surratt
May 2nd, 2021