Sweet, spicy, and cheesy beef
And maybe a few pickled veggies to keep things healthy.
Jonathan Surratt
October 14th, 2024

all-in bacon beef maximum effort
Mother of Baconator
The next tale in the Wendy’s Cinematic Universe (WCU) is the origin story of Baconator’s Mother.
Jonathan Surratt
April 15th, 2024

Beef, wet, hot & sweet, powdered
This ^^ is the proper way to order an Italian beef paczki.
Jonathan Surratt
February 12th, 2024

Hoagies of Cincinnati
Feast your eyes on Cincinnati’s favorite pizza parlor sandwiches.
Jonathan Surratt
September 25th, 2023

Two hamdogs, please. One for me, and one for me mate.
G’day but only to this corker of a bun I made to fit a hot dog AND a hamburger. Meet you out at the barbie!
Jonathan Surratt
May 8th, 2023

Billy’s Irish Philly
Say hello to this corned beef cheesesteak whiz wit.
Jonathan Surratt
March 13th, 2023

Mississippi pot roast sandwich
Bringing Mississippi’s pot roast to the rest of the world in sandwich format with crispy onions and melty cheddar cheese.
Jonathan Surratt
March 6th, 2023

Steak and potatoes
Q: Why do potatoes make good detectives?
A: Because they keep their eyes peeled.
Jonathan Surratt
February 27th, 2023