Aunt May's wheatcakes: add whole wheat flour, baking soda, and salt into a large bowl. Whisk to combine thoroughly.
In another bowl add a whole egg and beat.
Add buttermilk and molasses to the bowl with the egg and stir your wet ingredients to combine.
Add your wet ingredients into the bowl with your dry ingredients and stir just long enough that you no longer see dry flour. This batter does not need to be smooth a few lumps are ok.
Leave the bowl on the counter while you prep your griddle or large pan. Once the surface is hot—after at least 4 or 5 minutes—if you are using ring molds, spray them with non-stick cooking spray and place them on the pan or griddle. Add half a teaspoon or so of butter inside of each ring mold and then spoon in about 1/4 cup of wheatcake batter on top of the butter when it has melted.
If you are not using metal ring molds just spoon 1/4 cup of batter on top of a bit of melted butter and try to keep the wheatcakes in tight circle shapes about 4 inches across.
Griddle over medium heat. Once you start to see bubbles appearing on the uncooked side of the pancake, you can flip. Using a spatula I sometimes will peek under the pancake just to see the level of browning achieved before flipping. Whole wheat pancakes brown a bit darker than regular pancakes so be aware of that. If you are using ring molds, you can flip the whole pancake and mold all at the same time. There will probably be a little batter splash, but hopefully it won't be too messy.
Cook for another couple of minutes on the second side and remove the ring molds, if using.
Once your pancake is cooked on both sides, remove from the heat to a sheet pan or cookie pan and place in a 200-degree F oven to keep pancakes warm until the rest of the sandwich is finished cooking.
Maple syrup chopped cheese: add a teaspoon of oil to a medium pan or griddle over medium high heat. When the oil is shimmering, add diced onion and cook, stiring for 1 minute. Then add the ground sausage.
Cook the onion and sausage for about 4 to 5 minutes, chopping the sausage with a spatula to try to break it into smaller pieces. When the meat is almost fully cooked (very little pink left) drizzle over some maple syrup and then top everything with the cheese slices.
Chop the cheese into the meat with your spatula and fold everything over until the cheese starts to get melty. Remove the meat, onion, and cheese to a bowl while you prepare the egg.
Folded egg: if you're using the same pan that you cooked the sausage, onion, and cheese in, remove it from the heat and wipe it out really well to remove any cooked bits. Grab the bowl crack an egg into it and whisk until fully scrambled. Add salt and pepper to the egg to season. Add the pan (or a new pan) back to medium-low heat and add a teaspoon of butter.
Once the butter is bubbly and melted, pour your whisked egg on top of the butter. Immediately start letting the egg spread out on the bottom of the pan so that it all starts to cook. While it is cooking, you can help it out by keeping the egg in a round or square-ish shape and tilting the pan to allow the runny egg on top to roll off and touch the pan itself. Try to keep the shape somewhat consistent. This will help with folding.
Once most of the egg is set (after 1 to 2 minutes) you can start to fold. Using a spatula, attempt to scoop up one side and fold it over the other. This isn't always easy to do, and it doesn't really matter if you mess it up. But you effectively want to fold everything over itself once or twice until the egg is folded into a size that is consistent with your sandwich.
Once the egg is folded, remove it from the pan and put it on a plate while you prep the rest of the sandwich.
Sweet and spicy breakfast sauce: add the ketchup, sriracha, Dijon mustard, and maple syrup to a small bowl and whisk to combine. Taste the sauce to see if you think it might need more sweetness. Add more maple syrup if you think it does.
Sandwich assembly: place down one wheatcake and then top that with the onion, sausage, and chopped cheese.
Add a bit of sauce on top of the meat then top the sauce with the folded egg. Close the sandwich with the second wheatcake. Serve and enjoy.